Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Heist 2008

Post Colts victory yesterday my friend Khristina and I made our way home from Lucas Oil Stadium. As we were driving north on Illinois Street we see a church selling a pumpkins. I glance over and think "Ooh, I really want to buy a pumpkin. Do I have enough cash?" I look at Khristina and I can pretty much see the same process going through her head. To confirm my thoughts, she says aloud, "I really want a pumpkin, but I don't think I have enough cash!" I check the wallet, and I'm certain I have enough to cover us both (How much can a pumpkin be, right?) and we pull into the lot.

Two of the most adorable little girls and a woman (who was not so adorable) are operating the joint. K and I pick out our pumpkins after pricing them out by size. In case you're wondering how much a pumpkin is, a small one, that would fit in a centerpiece or horn of plenty, would be about $2. A medium sized costs around $7 and a huge guy will run you about $14. I looked for a pumpkin that would be not to big and that I could make a great face on. After milling over the selection, I settled on a little less than medium sized guy that cost me $6. K chose one just a little bit smaller, and for a total of $10 we had ourselves some pumpkins! We head home, K drops me off, and I put my pumpkin on the table on my porch so I can show it off to my sister. I put on my comfy clothes, hit the couch for the night, and forget about my purchase.

Fast forward---->Monday morning. I get ready for work, head out the door and my pumpkin is GONE!!! I look around. Maybe my sister put it took it off the table for this reason? No. Other places on the porch? No. Did I take it inside, or maybe Kari did? NO! SOMEONE STOLE MY PUMPKIN! I owned that damn thing for less than 24 hours. My heart was just broken!

How do you secure a pumpkin? I don't really think its possible without compromising the integrity of the pumpkin's durability. I told my friend Stefhen about it, and he made the suggestion--put the pumpkin on the roof. Duh! But then I'll have to worry about fire safety. So, I will be repurchasing a pumpkin, carving a hand flipping you off into it, and call it a day. And I'll be bringing it inside at night, so don't even think about it trying that BS again, mystery thief.

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